Return Policy

To initiate a return, please send an email with your order number to [email protected]. We are unable to issue you a refund if you cannot find your order number. Contact us before shipping your purchase back and we will find it for you.

Products and packaging must be returned in new and undamaged condition. Any product showing signs of wear or being soiled in any way will be deemed "unacceptable" and you will be notified.

Within 14 days of receiving the product, you may return it and receive a full refund. Any returns after this period will not be accepted.

Returns must be received by Elevate Well-Being within the 30 days that you received the product. Once we receive your qualified return and approve your refund, your refund will be credited to the form of payment you used to purchase the product.

In addition, please note the following:

• Return addresses will be provided by our Customer Service Team during the return process. 

• Products can be returned only in the country in which they were originally purchased.

• Elevate Well-Being branded products purchased through other retailers must be returned directly to them in accordance with their return and refund policy.

All returns are subject to validation and approval at Elevate Well-Being's discretion.

If there is a discrepancy between the procedures printed on your product's packing slip and the information provided in this Return Policy, this Return Policy's information governs the return of your purchase.

How do I start a return?

For U.S. orders placed on

1. Please contact our Customer Service Team at [email protected].

2. Once we receive your return request and the return has been authorized, a member of our Customer Service Team will provide you with the return address details and a Return Authorization Form. Please complete this form and send it back to us with your return package. You will receive a full refund if the carrier loses your package.

3. Once we receive the return, please allow approximately 5 business days for your return to be processed. Additional delays may occur. You will receive an email confirmation when your return is processed.

4. Once we issue the refund, please allow up to 10 business days for it to reflect in the payment method you used to purchase the product. Refunds for returns apply to the product's sale price only. We are unable to refund the shipping and handling charges associated with the product's purchase.

How are refunds credited?

If the product is returned in accordance with this Return Policy, Elevate Well-Being will credit the payment method you used to purchase the product. We will also credit any applicable taxes.

What is your exchange policy?

We are unable to offer exchanges by mail at this time.